Tips For Getting Through Homework


Every child at some point has difficulty with homework because our kids are learning new concepts, but some kids have extraordinary amount of trouble. This leads to homework assignments that take hours instead of a few minutes. Often when kids have that much difficulty –there is something else going on. Sometimes it can be a breakdown or weakness in the child’s language system. When it comes to completing homework I recommend the following to the parents of my patients:

1. Give them a break afterschool-it should be about 15-30 minutes. For many kids it takes SO much effort to get through the day (especially if processing is an issue). So a break really helps them recharge. Imagine after you have had an especially hard day at work-would you want to jump into an intensive report your boss wanted you to do right when you got home?

2. Break the assignment up into manageable parts and celebrate after the completion of each section- Often when a child sees an entire worksheet then they get overwhelmed but if you give a high five and a stretch break every after 10 problems, then it seems doable.

3. Consider using movement-It has been proven that movement really helps kids learn and grasp new concepts. So swap out the chair at the dining room table or desk for a yoga ball, have him/her jump or clap as they are practicing multiplication facts.

4. Start with a positive mantra or confession and refer back to it when it starts to get tough. Having your child say something like “I have a mind that is open to learn new concepts” or “I have the mind of Christ” helps start the afternoon with something positive. Plus if they are having trouble I am sure your child is already doing some negative self talk-this helps combat some of that.

5. YOU take a break. It is difficult to teach someone something new and frustration often comes-its ok to walk away and take a breath. Just remember the last time you had difficulty learning a new job or even a song or dance move-it helps when the person who taught you was patient.

If after trying all of these things- if there is still extreme difficulty-then consider going to a tutor or speech therapist, that has experience with language disorders or processing disorders. That may make a world of difference. If you are not sure call our office at 407-970-8484 to make an appointment for a free language screening.[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

2017-04-08T04:31:03-04:00 By |Homework|

About the Author:

Adrienne Fuller M.S., CCC-SLP is the clinical director and Owner of SpeechBuilders Speech/Language and OccupationalTherapy in Apopka, Florida. She earned her Master’s Degree at the University of New Hampshire. She is passionate about making all children from all backgrounds ready for kindergarten. She is also the co-writer of the book "Putting Your Dreams To Work-Keys to Setting Up Your Therapy Practice" and " Start Your Engines: A Roadmap for Your Clinical Fellowship." Her most recent book titled, "30 Days to Get Your Toddler Talking" is a step by step guide for parents and caregivers of toddlers who are not yet talking or talking very little.

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